Life balance coach and speaker Renée Trudeau asks a crucial question of all parents and caregivers, what is your intention for the summer? Even though we’re all navigating a lot of chaos, it’s important that caring for ourselves not get shelved. Trudeau offers nine creative ways parents and caregivers can say no when feeling pulled …
Why Your Teen Should Be Writing a Dream Journal
We know dreams spark inspiration. The creation of Google, the sewing machine, Frankenstein, The Terminator film, and the song “Yesterday” by The Beatles were all conceptualized from a dream. Although these creatives could recall the visions in their night’s sleep, what about those who couldn’t? Dream journals can help your teen remember and encourage them …
Teaching Your Daughter to Establish Healthy Boundaries in Relationships
Understanding and setting boundaries are critical social skills that benefit young women throughout their lifetime. Love Is Respect, a National Domestic Violence Hotline project, asserts that all relationships exist on a spectrum from healthy to abusive, with unhealthy ones somewhere in the middle. Here are talking points to discuss with your daughter what relationship boundaries …
Can Media Consumption Shift Teens From Mental Hell to Mental Health?
The average American teen is spending eight hours each day consuming digital content. Of course, that’s discounting screen time for school and homework. With documentaries like The Social Dilemma overtly calling out the dark side of all-access technology, the correlation between excessive screen time and increased teen anxiety, depression, and cyber-bullying isn’t surprising. We know …
Nurturing Your Friendships and Why You Should
We know how crucial it is that our children learn to nurture their friendships. With that in mind, we need to set an example by also tending to friendships close to our hearts. That is why life balance coach and speaker Renée Trudeau has shared the following guest post with Girls That Create. Nurturing Your …